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I understand that if I do not agree with all of the above statements, I will not be allowed to use my LOUIE account.I understand LOUIE will only work if my browser has Secure Socket Layer (SSL) capabilities.I agree to change my password in the event that my account is compromised or my password has been used without authorization. If adding this task by voice you would say: - 'Add a task Submit my report tomorrow p1 hashtag work at-sign urgent' You can get the job done even quicker by combining the invocation step with your request and saying something like: - OK Google, Ask Todoist to add a task Wash the car today - OK Google, Ask Todoist to complete my task.I agree to change my password in the event this occurs. I agree that it is my responsibility to ensure that no individual observes the entering of my User ID and password when accessing my LOUIE account, especially in a public location.I agree to the revocation of my LOUIE account privileges if a misuse of the system provides information or access to information without authorization.I agree to close my browser when finished using the LOUIE system to protect my information immediately upon completion of my use of the system.I agree that I will not give out my User ID and password to anyone other than a university official for university business.I agree that I am responsible for the use of my LOUIE account.Usage of this system is monitored and you must understand and agree to the following to use this account: A LOUIE account on an NAU computer system is a privilege available to qualified students.

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