Wow, SparkNotes is encouraging reading through memes! 1. Anyone who has read any of these will find the following memes hilarious-though you might not be able to understand them unless you’ve read the books. They’re constantly sharing memes about books like The Great Gatsby, Pride and Prejudice, the works of William Shakespeare, and other high school English class mainstays. The SparkNotes Twitter account is getting a lot of fresh attention because they’re exploiting how good everyone else has gotten at condensing information. The company concisely summarizes plots, important themes, and characters in a tidy bow and to be fair, they are good at helping a reader understand a book better…if they do actually read the book, too. SparkNotes is famously the place kids used to turn when they didn’t read the book, but still needed to hand in a book report the next day. A meme can communicate so much with so little, including the entire trajectory of a classic work of literature, apparently.