For example, to specify that only machines addressed as 192.168.2.x can use the whole structure of MooseFS resources (/) in read/write mode, in the first line which is not commented out change the asterisk (*) to, so that you’ll have: / rw,alldirs,maproot=0 You can find out more information about this file in the man pages (man mfsmaster.cfg).įile mfsexports.cfg specifies which users’ computers can mount the file system and with what privileges. those listed in commented lines.įile named mfsmaster.cfg contains Master Server settings. For the lines which are commented the system will use built-in default values, i.e. If you would like to change any of the settings you should uncomment the appropriate line and set a different value. Use these files as your target configuration files: cd /etc/mfs

Sample configuration files will be created in /etc/mfs with the extension *.sample (MooseFS 3.0+) or *.dist (MooseFS 2.0). In MooseFS Master Server (and also other modules) installation can be accomplished by running the command listed below: apt install moosefs-master Warning: Configuration files on all Master Servers must be consistent! The easiest way to become root is to run: sudo su - Master Server(s) installation Notice, that most of the commands below you have to run as root. If you have another distribution, please use the appropriate package manager instead of apt. It is also assumed, that you have Debian/Ubuntu installed on your machines. If you want to install MooseFS Pro, please use ’pro’ in package names, e.g.: moosefs-pro-master instead of moosefs-master. In this tutorial, it is assumed, that you have MooseFS Community Edition. How to set up a DNS server for MooseFS on Debian/Ubuntuįor the purpose of these articles, we will assume that your machines have following IP addresses:.This article is part of MooseFS installation guide :

With this article, you install Master Server, Chunkserver, MooseFS CGI, MooseFS CLI, Metalogger and MooseFS client.

How to install MooseFS October 16th, 2018 | Wojciech KostańskiĪfter preparation, you are ready for the installation process.