How many days did bill murray relive in groundhog day
How many days did bill murray relive in groundhog day

From irresponsible, self-centered hedonism (after all, if tomorrow never comes, there are no consequences) to suicidal despair (if tomorrow never comes, it’s no use going on) to an insane number of time-eating hobbies (if tomorrow never comes, you might as well try everything) — no matter what he does, Phil's efforts seem doomed to leave him forever trapped in his own personal Groundhog Day — but with help from the kind-hearted Rita and his own unexpected potential for self-growth and redemption, the possibility arises that tomorrow will come for Phil after all. The movie proceeds to follow Phil as he tries to both adjust to and escape from his bizarre dilemma, with the comedy and drama drawn from the various ways he reacts to it.

how many days did bill murray relive in groundhog day

And so on, with no end to the loop in sight. Though surprised, Phil goes through the motions, still gets stuck in Punxsutawney, and wakes up the next morning to find it’s still Groundhog Day — again.

how many days did bill murray relive in groundhog day

Everyone goes on exactly as they did the previous day, with only him aware of it.

how many days did bill murray relive in groundhog day

He wakes up the next morning to find it's Groundhog Day again. That proves impossible when a sudden blizzard arrives and closes the roads, forcing Phil and the crew to stay the night.

how many days did bill murray relive in groundhog day

Phil loathes the annual celebration and is surly throughout the proceedings, wanting nothing more than to pack up and go home. Phil Connors (Murray), an arrogant and smarmy weatherman for a local TV news station in Pittsburgh, his new producer Rita Hanson ( Andie MacDowell), and cameraman Larry ( Chris Elliott) go to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to film the annual Groundhog Day festival. Groundhog Day is a well-loved 1993 film that massively popularized the time loop trope with Bill Murray at his deadpan best and a much-lauded script, the film is considered a modern classic.

How many days did bill murray relive in groundhog day